

Interpreting Service

Foryou is the editor-in-chief of Chinese standards as "Interpreting Service Requirements" (T/TAC 3-2018) and "Competence Requirements for Translators and Interpreters" (T/TAC 2-2017), and a drafter for Interpreting Service Precurement Guideline (ZYF 1-2019). Our interpreting services are provided according to ISO 18841.

Simultaneous Interpreting

Simultaneous Interpreting Simultaneous interpreting is referred to the mode of interpreting performed while a speaker is still speaking or signing.  During an interpreting assignment, Foryou's interpreter shall, wherever feasible and appropriate: a) interpret  in  the  first  person  (direct  speech),  unless  doing  so  impedes  clear  communication; b) manage the flow of communication and turn-taking in dialogue interpreting to ensure smooth communication and accuracy; c) refrain from conveying his/her own feelings or any opinions unrelated to the assignment even by way of facial expressions, body language or tone of voice; d) intervene only if necessary, and exclusively for the purpose of ensuring clear communication, seeking clarification or rectifying interpreting errors (for example, when parties speak too quickly or misunderstand the interpreted content); e) when intervening, adhere to all requirements governing the interventions which are relevant to the particular specialization and setting and to any relevant legal requirements, and clearly identify that the interpreter is speaking as the interpreter.

Consecutive Interpreting

Consecutive Interpreting

Consecutive interpreting is referred to the mode of interpreting performed after the speaker pauses. Foryou's interpreter is proficient in at least two languages and is able to facilitate communication by interpreting between two or more languages. The interpreter has the ability to convey a message from the source language into the target language in an interpreting mode appropriate for a given setting, accurately, faithfully and impartially interpreting the substance of all statements without any additions, omissions or other misleading factors that could alter the intended meaning of the speaker’s message.

Remote Interpreting

Remote Interpreting Remote interpreting is referred to the interpreting of a speaker in a different location from that of the interpreter, enabled by information and communications technology. In Foryou, the remote interpreters' linguistic competences, as a minimum,  include the ability to: a) conceptualize (i.e. form a concept of the content presented); b) render the message accurately and idiomatically from the source language into the target language; c) make quick linguistic decisions regarding lexical or terminological choices and the appropriate level of formality; d) recognize that linguistic and vocabulary choices convey information about the speaker’s socio- economic, educational and cultural background; e) know  if,  when  and  how  to  conserve  paralinguistic  features  of  the  source  message  such  as hesitations, false starts and repetitions.

Sign Language Interpreting

Sign Language Interpreting Sign language is referred to the language which uses a combination of hand shapes, orientation and movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial expressions. Sign language can be a regional, national or international language with or without legal status, or an informal sign language with any number of users.  Sign language interpreting is referred to the interpreting between two sign languages  or  between  a  sign  language  and  a  spoken language.  In Foryou, the  interpreter  shall  show  respect,  courtesy,  tact  and  sound  judgment  in  his/her  interactions with sign language users.  The interpreter shall develop strong communication and interpersonal skills in order to cope with the demands of working effectively in challenging situations amid cultural and linguistic diversity, including introductions, positioning, turn-taking, and knowing when and how to intervene whether to ask for clarification or for other reasons.

For You, For Better

Our Team

Top Management

Our top mangement is consisted of language veterans graduated from PKU, UIBE, MUC and BFSU, under the chairmanship of Dr. MENG Yongye from both UIBE and PKU

Translators and Interpreters

Graduated from linguistics or translation majors: over 40% of master degree, 30+ persons with 5 years and 13 persons with over 10 years of full-time translation experiences

Industry Experts

Our industry experts, of professional background and rich translation experience, are mainly engaged in terminology, technical review and training

Project Managers

Having been experienced translators first, project managers are responsible for assigning translators, revisers and reviewers, monitoring all processes and verifying deliverables

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