
Company Profile

About TransForyou

TransForyou Co., Ltd., a Beijing-based translation agency established in 2003, is specialized in translation, interpreting and standardization. As one of TAC-certified AAA language services provider, the Company has passed such certifications as ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 27001 Information Safety Management System and AAA Translation Service Certification. 


TransForyou, as the member of TAC Translation Service Committee, TAC Interpreting Committee and TAC Localization Service Committee, has actively participated in industry development planning, standardization construction and language service standard development for the Chinese language service industry. Foryou is the chief development organization for such industrial standards as Competences of Translator and Interpreter (T/TAC 2-2017) and Translation services — Requirements for interpreting services (T/TAC 3-2018), for which Foryou's chairman Dr. MENG Yongye is the chief editor.


TransForyou is the director of China Association of Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS), China Standardization journal and Standardization of Engineering Construction journal, and has actively participated in Chinese standards internationalization activities, for example, being invited as ISO standards development expert, Chinese national standard development expert and Chinese standard internationalization expert.


TransForyou is the National Field Study Center for MTIs, and the field study center for such universities as the University of the University of International Business & Economics (UIBE), Beijing Technology and Business University(BTBU), Hebei University (HU), Hebei Normal University for Nationalities, North China Electric Power University (NCEPU), Anhui University of Technology (AHUT) and Xi'an Fanyi University (XAFU). Foryou's innovated interactive translation teaching mode has been applied and promoted in plenty of universities, making the company be active in the education of translators and interpreters; and Foryou's publication and Wechat account, TranClass, has been favored by numerous translators and interpreters.


In 2022, TransForyou ranked 29th among Asian-Pacific Language Service Providers, a list organized by CSA Research.

For You, For Better

Our Team

Top Management

Our top mangement is consisted of language veterans graduated from PKU, UIBE, MUC and BFSU, under the chairmanship of Dr. MENG Yongye from both UIBE and PKU

Translators and Interpreters

Graduated from linguistics or translation majors: over 40% of master degree, 30+ persons with 5 years and 13 persons with over 10 years of full-time translation experiences

Industry Experts

Our industry experts, of professional background and rich translation experience, are mainly engaged in terminology, technical review and training

Project Managers

Having been experienced translators first, project managers are responsible for assigning translators, revisers and reviewers, monitoring all processes and verifying deliverables

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General Electric General Electr..
Kohler Kohler
China Communications Construction China Communic..
China Construction China Construc..
Hilton Hilton
Swarovski Swarovski

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