

Language Services China 40 (hereinafter referred to as “LSC40”), a China-based think tank consisted of 40 scholars and entrepreneurs, has specially launched "Online Forum on Anti-epidemic" series against COVID-19, through which scholars and entrepreneurs are invited to discuss hot topics in relation to language services.

I. Making National Planning and Strategic Alliance for Emergency Language Services in China

Prof. Li Yuming (Director of Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Language Resources, Beijing Language and Culture University)

Planning of Emergency Language Services

China is now endangered with relatively serious natural disasters, such as meteorological disasters, earthquake disasters, geological disasters, marine disasters, biological disasters, forest and grassland fire disasters. All these natural disasters are featured as wide distribution, high frequency and serious economic loss. With the strengthening of prevention and control of public emergencies in recent years, a number of laws and regulations, such as Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, National Overall Contingency Plan for Public Emergencies and Regulations on Preparedness for and Response to Emergent Public Health Hazards, have been promulgated. However, there is still a lack of such content as "language emergency” in the above laws and regulations.

Language is the tool for communicating and organizing human activities, and plays a role in "communication" and "exchange", which is especially important in dealing with emergencies. At present, the competence construction of language emergency in China is still a prominent weakness in the language services industry and needs to be improved urgently. Language emergency system shall be planned in the following three aspects.

Firstly, formulate "national language emergency mechanism and response plan for public emergencies", or add language emergency content to relevant laws, regulations and response plans such as Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China. The main language emergency contents still need to be studied. The followings may be worth considering: information release channels, such as telephone, radio, TV, network media, including Weibo and WeChat official account; the languages for information release, including mandarin, "plain Chinese", Chinese dialects, minority languages, foreign languages, special languages for the disabled; possible communication barriers and specific measures to eliminate them; application of various modern language technologies; language emergency response mechanisms and response plans for different emergency levels; language content for links such as prevention and preparation, monitoring and pre-warning prior to incidents, emergency disposal and rescue, post-incident recovery and reconstruction.

Secondly, establish "emergency language services team for public emergencies". The team is usually staffed with a small number of staff or researchers, and most of them are not in full-time posts. If necessary, various emergency language services are provided through public recruitment and emergency gathering.

Thirdly, strengthen the language emergency research. Set up emergency language research bases according to the type of emergencies so as to cultivate professionals related to emergency language services.

Prof. Wang Jihui (Professor of Peking University)

Strategic Alliance for Emergency Language Services

As soon as I entered the study room in the morning, I saw an advertisement sent by a friend calling for emergency recruitment of foreign language volunteer translators for epidemic prevention and control claiming to cope with the tense situation of "both imported cases and spread within the city should be prevented". Tongzhou District of Beijing is urgently in need of language services volunteers who are proficient in foreign languages, in healthy condition and supported by their families. It seems that it is extra urgent so that the advertisers have to highlight "Urgent" in blood color to attract foreign language talents who are willing to make their contributions. It reminds me of an article published a few days ago by Mr. Teng Yanjiang of Ludong University on the construction of emergency language services system in the United States. Mr. Teng is certainly intended to remind the world to think hard to make preparations for the construction of emergency language services system in China.

I remember that in 2006, Beijing was preparing for the Summer Olympics to be held two years later. A friend of mine from Beijing Municipal Education Commission told me the same thing, I was deeply moved, so I formulated a volunteer training plan for Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games and compiled three volumes of official English textbooks for the Olympics together with two younger brothers, making some contributions to Beijing as a citizen with my foreign language skills. The scene has always been vivid in my mind till now. However, more than 10 years have passed and we have picked up the same topic today, but time is passing.

In fact, China's top-level design already exists, but the implementation efficiency is somewhat unsatisfactory, isn't it? In 2012, the State Language Work Committee promulgated Outline of the National Medium- and Long-term Program for Language Reform and Development (2010-2020) which directly puts the formulation of language policies to cope with international affairs and emergencies at the level of national security, following which, the 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of National Language and Writing Undertaking issued in 2016 proposes more clear requirements for actively establishing effective pre-warning and emergency response mechanisms for language emergencies and striving to improve the contingency level of national language services. No matter from the national strategy or the national policy, there shall be no obstacle to establish a long-acting emergency language services system in China.

Since there is a strong support from the State and a huge demand from the society, we really have no reason to slack off any more. On February 27, Wang Lifei, Professor of Beijing Language and Culture University called on emergency language services in China against COVID-19, and specifically put forward a preliminary conception for the construction of emergency language services infrastructure. It should be said that it is another new start for Chinese universities to serve the society and fulfill their mission. We should take it as an opportunity to build a "Strategic Alliance for Emergency Language services in China" based on multi-university cooperation, which is supported by university think tanks and mainly composed of volunteer teams of college students, graduate students, and social retired professionals, so as to formulate development planning and operation standards as soon as possible, design the integrated procedures for recruitment and training services, establish a multilingual and multi-service “language+” talent pool, thus fully integrating idle language services resources in the society and striving to create a normal system of Chinese-characteristic emergency language services.

In short, we shall start from every little thing, and we can definitely do more work in this field.

II. Concept, Capacity and Standardization of Emergency Language Services

Prof. Wang Lifei (Beijing Language and Culture University)

Emergency language services is a new concept. As an important component of national language competence and national governance competence, it has played a prominent role since the outbreak of COVID-19. Discussions about emergency language services at present are few, thus a complete definition is not available. In my opinion, emergency language services happen at three levels: the national, institutional and individual levels. When disasters such as an epidemic outbreaks, the state, organization and individuals respond rapidly. The concept of emergency language services is defined as providing emergency language products and technologies or organizing language assistance services for effective prevention and monitoring, rapid response and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction in terms of major natural disasters or big public crisis. Emergency language services may be provided in Chinese or foreign languages, minority languages, dialects, sign language emergency interpreting, multilingual communication on disasters, R&D and application of disaster relief language software, management of disaster relief terminologies, disaster information dissemination, monitoring of cross-linguistic media public opinion, management of disaster relief language resources, development of emergency language management standards, emergency language training, machine translation on disaster relief, disaster corpus development, post-disaster language treatment and rehabilitation, language consultation and crisis intervention.

McKinsey, a world-famous consulting company, has placed special emphasis on emergency translation service in its report on the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy, including epidemic prevention, disaster response, multi-channel communication, B2B customer communication, epidemic risk communication, epidemic report and information exchange.

The pandemic has given much food for thoughts about the development of foreign languages disciplines. Educational authorities shall reconsider how to adjust the language programs. Qualified universities shall consider how to set up the streams of emergency language services program and train students for the talent pool in emergency languages in China in the service of national and international disaster prevention and relief.

Prof. Wang Mingyu (Tianjin Foreign Studies University)

Capacity Building of Emergency Language Services

In the process of epidemic prevention and control and research, from the theoretical nomenclature of the virus to the information sharing of the epidemic, we can see "interpreting" in various languages and expressions everywhere, and the function of language services has been released unprecedentedly, building an indispensable bridge for all countries in the world to cooperate with each other. In the battle against the epidemic, the central and local government departments, universities, translation agencies and a large number of linguists with patriotism exert their professional advantages and provide strong language support for the epidemic prevention and control. In my opinion, the emergency language services capacity should be built in the following aspects:

First, establish an authoritative foreign language release mechanism on the epidemic. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China Academy of Translation has responded to the demand for epidemic prevention in the first place by collecting, sorting out, translating, examining and approving English expressions of relevant vocabularies related to COVID-19 in multiple batches to facilitate the reference and use by relevant personnel. At the same time, it has planned and produced a series of convergence media international communication products on epidemic prevention and control by making use of its own advantages and compiled and disseminated in multiple languages. In addition, China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration has spread the major decisions and arrangements made by the Party Central Committee to deal with the epidemic in a targeted manner, vividly reported the main achievements of joint prevention and control, and told the touching stories about the front-line for epidemic prevention and control, demonstrating to the world the spirit of Chinese people's unity and solidarity in the same boat, and achieving good effect in external dissemination. The establishment of an authoritative foreign language release mechanism on the epidemic has responded to international concerns in a timely manner and created a better international public opinion atmosphere for the epidemic prevention and control.

Second, foreign language colleges and universities shall exert their advantages in language, make arrangement in advance and organize various institutions to actively reserve talents in emergency language services. For example, teachers and students in School of Translation and Interpreting of Beijing Foreign Studies University, under the entrustment of the World Health Organization, has worked overtime to complete the translation of front-line anti-epidemic cases and epidemic data during the outbreak in the shortest time. Meanwhile, School of Translation and Interpreting of Tianjin Foreign Studies University has taken on the task of multilingual translation during the local prevention and control for COVID-19 since it outbreaks and has completed nearly 100 related news reported to the foreign countries. The university has also organized a capable translation team to record a micro-video for Health Tips for Arrivals from Overseas in 28 languages, and has cooperated in handling various service supports and foreign affairs for foreigners in Tianjin. Beijing Language and Culture University has developed Hubei Dialects for Fighting against the Epidemic and Foreign Languages for Epidemic Prevention and Control, and has promptly released relevant investigation reports on the impact of COVID-19 on domestic language services providers and submitted a think tank consultation report on "No Lack of Emergency Language services". However, these activities has also shown that an all-round and efficient emergency language services system has not been formed yet because these measures are spontaneous in the epidemic emergency, thus domestic foreign language colleges and universities shall also take active measures to reserve talents in emergency language services and develop mechanism construction.

Third, the language services providers and freelance translators shall exert their expertise to make contributions to the fight against the epidemic. Teachers and students in colleges and universities and professionals engaged in translation and medicine have formed a "Wuhan volunteer translation group" of more than 300 persons to carry out relevant work coordination within a few days since the notice on demand for foreign standards translation was issued by the emergency support team of COVID-19 Prevention and Control Command Center in Wuhan. Language not only has cohesive power but also has healing power. Linguists, relying on their professional sensitivity, have also translated various linguistic phenomena (such as fight request words, warm-hearted words, mobilization orders, etc.) collected during the outbreak into multilingual tweets, thus transmitting positive energy for the fight against the epidemic.

Dr. Meng Yongye (Director of Institute of Language Services, Hebei Normal University for Nationalities)

Standardization of Emergency Language Services

In the existing emergency management standard system, ISO/TC 292 has issued 8 international standards for emergency management, and another 2 are under development, covering guidelines for incident management, guidelines for public warning, guidelines for color-coded alerts, guidelines for competence assessment, guidelines for monitoring facilities with confirmed hazard levels, guidelines for implementation of efficient pre-warning system in community, information interaction structure, guidelines for exercises and guidelines for social media application. Taking ISO 22320:2018 as an example, it provides guidelines for emergency incident management which are fundamental however, such as the principles for conveying value and illuminating the purpose of incident management; it also introduces the basic components of incident management (such as process and structure), focusing on the roles and responsibilities, tasks and management of various resources to realize joint work through joint guidance and cooperation. As present, SAC/TC 351 has issued two standards for emergency management that are modified in relation to ISO standards, and another one is under development, covering requirements for emergency incident response, guidelines for color-coded alerts and information interaction structures. International and domestic standards for emergency management have not proposed any requirement for emergency language services. The lack of standards for emergency language services has affected the efficiency and quality of emergency rescue.

Therefore it is imperative to realize the standardization of emergency language services. The contents of emergency language services shall be added in the existing language services standard system. First, implement the standard for classification of emergency language services levels according to the characteristics of the urgency of emergency and define the application scope for each level. Second, establish a standard for organizational system of emergency language services (including leading agencies, working agencies, local agencies, expert groups, volunteers, cooperation and coordination mechanisms, etc.) and formulate the requirements for the operation mechanism (including remote cloud translation, machine translation, translating machine, live interpreting, remote simultaneous interpreting, etc.). Third, establish a standard for language services emergency support, including financial support, material support, living support, medical and health support, technical support, etc., and establish supervision and management mechanisms so as to have standards to follow in dealing with major emergencies.

In addition, a standard for emergency language education shall also be prepared to minimize communication time costs by standardizing language means so that emergencies can be communicated and reported in the shortest time. The standard for emergency language education shall cover language education management, language scientific research and language quality evaluation, so that the emergencies can be dealt with by cultivating emergency language talents, simplifying emergency language convention, and raising emergency solutions for language communication barriers, thus making the emergency language education a part of foreign language general education in colleges and universities, primary and secondary schools through standardization.

III. Mechanism and Infrastructure of Emergency Language Services

Prof. Li Yan (Capital Normal University)

Mechanism of Emergency Language Services

First, build a rapid response mechanism for language services to enhance rapid response abilities. Relevant departments shall take the lead in formulating the “Emergency Language services Plan for Major Public Health Emergencies"; according to the types, contents and characteristics of language required for major public health emergencies, a rapid response mechanism for language services will be established to ensure the rapid response ability in "wartime". The effective supply of language products and services is based on a full grasp of the language consumption demand, so it is necessary to fully consider the demands of different audiences (e.g. audiences of different ages, regions, cultures and languages) in major public health emergencies to formulate a detailed emergency language services plan as possible. Besides, we shall not only make a good pre-judgment before the "war", but also make an emergency plan during the "war". For example, in such a fight against the epidemic, medical teams from various regions have come to rescue Hubei, but medical workers do not understand the dialects of Hubei, so it has become a top priority to provide convenient dialect and mandarin inter-translation service for both doctors and patients.

Second, build emergency language services guarantee mechanism to enhance efficient service abilities. Firstly, building a collaborative linkage mechanism for emergency language services: coordinate the efforts of all parties to effectively allocate language services resources. Secondly, building an emergency language services talent cultivation mechanism: offer special courses or major directions in colleges and universities, do a good job in the recruitment, training and management of language services volunteers, and reserve multilingual (dialects, minority languages, foreign languages, sign languages, etc.) and interdisciplinary (language+communication, psychology, computer science and technology, international relations, earth science, life science, etc.) emergency language services talents to meet the demands of language communication, language translation, language intelligence, language security, language comfort in major emergencies. Thirdly, building a industry-academy cooperation mechanism for emergency language services: under the guidance of the competent government departments, design, research and develop emergency language products, for example, in this fight against the epidemic, colleges and universities in Beijing and Wuhan have developed the "Hubei Dialects" online service system and instant translation software jointly with enterprises such as IFLYTEK and Transn. Fourthly, building a regular drill mechanism for emergency language services: at present, the global extreme weather disasters, resource and environment problems, international terrorism and global public health problems are very serious, so the emergency language services shall be not only subjected to "reserve" according to pre-judgment, but also subjected to "drill" by simulation practice; only in this way, can we ensure that there is no risk at all in "wartime".

Third, give full play to the role of new media and technologies to optimize the effect of language services. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and the continuous emergence of new media, it is necessary to make full use of all effective technical means and communication channels to serve the enhancement of language combat effectiveness in the future.

Fourth, improve the national language competence to provide deep soil for emergency language services. The productivity and combat effectiveness of language are based on national language competence and national language literacy. Especially in major public health emergencies, emergency language services needs national mobilization, and people need not only awareness of emergency language services, but also service ability, which is undoubtedly based on good language competence and language literacy. The improvement of national language competence and the cultivation of language and cultural literacy are not realized immediately, so we shall promote the national common language and characters, improve the national language competence, deepen the Chinese Classic Reading Project, and enhance the national language civilization awareness and language and cultural literacy in the long view.

Prof. Wang Chuanying (Nankai University)

Infrastructure of Language Services

COVID-19 has spread to 193 countries and regions, and the number of confirmed cases has reached 660,000 as of 7:00 on March 29, Beijing time, including 30,000 deaths, according to latest figure from Johns Hopkins University in the United States. The global epidemic of COVID-19 has become a real risk that people all over the world must face. In the fight against the global epidemic, the language services has once again become a powerful tool for countries all over the world to strengthen confidence, work together and unite in response.

The infrastructure of language services is an open language asset with the nature of "public goods" publicly released to all walks of life by public departments represented by government agencies, industry associations and colleges and universities based on the development of language information processing technology and Internet technology, including language use standards, language services specifications, language tools, language materials, language talent information, etc., to ensure that users can obtain various high-quality language services at a very low cost even free by creating externality that produce "spillover effect".

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China has showed powerful social mobilization capability and effectively curbed the spread of the epidemic. China's experience in epidemic prevention and China's treatment plans are the precious wealth of all mankind, while China's growing overseas interest groups are eager for various information conveniences brought about by the emergency language services infrastructure aimed at epidemic prevention.

In general, the emergency language services infrastructure aimed at epidemic prevention shall have the following functions:

First, standardize the expression and use of vocabularies related to epidemic prevention and control. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration has approved and published 513 words in four batches, covering medical terminology, policy measures, prevention, control and treatment, social life, etc., many of which are expressions with Chinese characteristics. Given the current trend of global spread of the epidemic, the translation scheme shall at least include the main working languages of the United Nations and provide necessary multilingual interpreting in addition to continuously expanding vocabulary.

Second, provide multilingual epidemic prevention/control and treatment plans, including clinical manifestations, treatment plans, nursing experience, etc., highlight the important role of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, and effectively publicize and promote the "China's Anti-virus Mode";

Third, provide multilingual knowledge of daily protection, self-diagnosis and isolation of COVID-19. In order to relieve the pressure of patients and satisfy the reading preferences of people of different ages, the text can be presented by multimedia;

Fourth, provide multilingual legal advisory services related to COVID-19, especially the mediation, claim and arbitration of various business disputes due to "force majeure" caused by the epidemic;

Fifth, provide multilingual global epidemic situation notification, consular and emergency services, transportation and entry-exit quarantine information to facilitate Chinese overseas investment enterprises and Chinese all over the world to better arrange production and living.

In conclusion, the emergency language services infrastructure is aimed at epidemic prevention is an important part of the construction of a Chinese-characteristic discourse system, which not only standardizes the use of languages, shares China's experience in fighting against the epidemic and provides various information services, but also is conducive to spreading China's resolutions to build a new world public health system through international cooperation.

Associate Prof. Cui Qiliang (University of International Business and Economics)

Localization of Emergency Language services

The emergency language services is a professional service for the society and the country to deal with public emergencies, and its localization is a language services form that respects the differences of languages, cultures and customs in different markets. In order to improve the effect of transnational emergency language services, attention shall be paid to the localization of emergency language services.

First, strengthen the localization of emergency language services using Chinese as the source language. Traditionally, the localization in Chinese market is a language services with foreign languages (especially English) as the source language and simplified Chinese as the target language. With the development of China's comprehensive strength in economy, politics, science and technology, culture, trade, etc., the demand for localization with Chinese as the source language and foreign languages (English, German, Spanish, etc.) as the target language is constantly increasing. For example, China has accumulated rich experience in the treatment of COVID-19. COVID-19 Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines with Chinese as the source language has been translated into English, Italian, German, Japanese, Spanish, etc.

Second, localization of emergency language services shall respect cultural differences in target markets. The core of localization is to respect the cultural differences in target markets. Cultural differences are objective existence, and also manifestations of the world diversity in aspects of language, character, custom, law, system, religion, etc. Also taking COVID-19 Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines as an example, the Chinese medicine treatment in the Chinese market is effective and easy for patients to accept. However, countries that do not know about traditional Chinese medicine may have different feelings about it and need to reform it in combination with local culture, for example, to carry out combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.

Third, strengthen the application of emergency language services technology and the construction of cloud service platform. One of the characteristics of emergency language services is that it is very time-effective, which requires fast response and provides agile localization service. Therefore, the application of language services technology shall be strengthened, for example, providing translation services through computer-aided translation + machine translation + post-translation editing and remote video interpreting services through computer-aided interpreting technology + new-generation communication technology. The emergency language services shall become the national language services infrastructure. As an important part of national public language services, it shall strengthen the construction and sharing of national language application service cloud platform and provide emergency localization cloud services for different countries.

IV. Talents Cultivation in Emergency Language Services

Mu Lei (Professor of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

Cultivating Talents in Emergency Language services

The outbreak of COVID-19 has shown us many fields that have not been concerned previously in translation teaching. For example, during outbreak of the epidemic, a great deal of telephone interpreting, video interpreting, emergency press releases and media interpreting expert multilingual consultation or communication as well as interpreting for communication on customs clearance and epidemic prevention at ports are required in interpreting (including sign translation) activities; translation activities are all about time-tight translations for instructions for medicine and relief supplies, publicity posters, press releases, etc.; localization covers instructions for medicines and relief supplies, etc. In addition, reserved talents (such as language, number of people, industry category, etc.) in disaster relief and emergency response within the entire language services as well as organization and management, mobilization and layout, routine drills, etc. shall be subjected to experience summary and scientific research. The demand for above new business forms shall be concerned and involved in the translation teaching in the future, so that translation education can gradually satisfy various demands of the society for language services.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, I have gotten more understanding of language services and translation education. The demand for language services in various forms such as interpreting, translation, sign translation and localization during the epidemic was huge beyond our expectation in the previous translation education, so it was not involved in translation teaching. If the 2008 Olympic Games and the earthquake disaster have made language services come to the fore on the economic stage, the outbreak of the epidemic has made language services an indispensable and important role in the development of people's livelihood all over the world, making us more aware of the long way to go for language services and translation education. If our understanding in the previous ten years stayed at improving students' translation competence and translator's competence, in the future we shall not only make improvement in this aspect, but also cultivate students' patriotism, social responsibility, professional ethics and emergency service competence under the framework of emergency language services.

Prof. Cai Jigang (Fudan University)

Teaching Orientation of Emergency Language Services

Emergency language services is the emergency contribution of foreign language learners in the epidemic. The epidemic will come to an end, after which, what we need to reflect on are the problems exposed in foreign language teaching orientation and talent cultivation of our country during the epidemic.

In my opinion, there are two weak links to be improved for public foreign languages.

One is scientific literacy education. In this epidemic, the generation, dissemination and acceptance of a large amount of information have tested the scientific knowledge, information literacy and scientific methods of every citizen, especially the highly educated university graduates in media, government, health agencies and from other walks of life. If the scientific literacy education can be put in the same important position as the humanistic education in foreign language teaching in colleges and universities in our country, and if scientific literacy curricula such as critical thinking and logic can be offered, we will not leave much regret.

The other is the ability to learn information in a foreign language. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, international SCI journals such as New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), The Lancet, Nature and Science have published hundreds of related articles, among which, some involve the construction of virus transmission models, some describe clinical manifestations, and some propose treatment plans; they race against time and life, sharing the results of overcoming this international public health crisis with world scientists and medical workers in the first place. This shows that when 95% of the world's scientific research papers are published in English, it has become an urgent and universal demand for Chinese colleges and universities to cultivate the ability of college students (the future scientists, and scientific and technical workers) to read and write English papers in their respective professional fields in international professional journals. Gelfand from University of Maryland said recently, "in an uncertain world, we must remember that the evolution track of the virus is not only related to the characteristics of COVID-19 itself, but also related to social culture."

The author hopes that through COVID-19 crisis, we can re-examine the culture we advocate, attach importance to scientific literacy education and the ability to learn professional information in foreign languages, and cultivate all highly educated citizens to calmly meet the challenges of possible greater social changes and natural evolution in the future.

Prof. Liao Rongxia (Third Military Medical University)

Talent Cultivation for Emergency Language Services in Medical Profession

The third coronavirus epidemic in this century has not only threatened human health and safety, but also developed into a pandemic. It has led to the strengthening of the globalization of public health and medical care, which is a big test for our international medical talents. Can medical workers directly participate in international first aid as well as diagnosis and treatment in foreign languages, can they efficiently read novel coronavirus papers and reference materials in international medical journals, and can they share China's advanced anti-epidemic experience and effective methods with the world timely? These are questions left to us by this epidemic.

Facing the epidemic, Chinese medical English teaching shall be subjected to substantial reforms as soon as possible:

First, establish a national "high-quality teacher bank" for medical English. Big data is used to make a thorough investigation of the existing medical English teachers, establish a "high-quality teacher bank" with compound teachers as the main component, and carry out cooperation and collaboration to change the situation of long-term low-level medical English teaching caused by lack of qualified teachers.

Second, build a medical English curriculum system analyzed deeply based on target needs and matching with the medical education system. The system must accurately target at the international literacy requirements of medical students in their future work and match with the medical English learning objectives proposed by the medical education system.

Third, build a medical English teaching material system that highly conforms to the medical education system. Relying on a team of compound medical English teachers, we shall improve the top-level design according to needs and push forward steadily. At the same time, systematical high-quality teaching materials selected from published teaching materials shall be popularized.

Fourth, build a "famous teachers’ high-quality courses" that is cross-campus, cross-district, open and shared by the Internet. Famous teachers are unified to give high-quality courses open to all medical colleges and universities, and low-quality courses are eliminated, improving the quality of medical English teaching in China integrally.

Fifth, cultivate compound medical English teachers in a planned manner. Select excellent students majored in English to study medical courses or excellent medical students to specialize in foreign languages in a planned manner, and encourage existing English teachers to carry out in-service and advanced studies on medical courses to pursue a master's degree in basic medicine.

In face of the global epidemic crisis, how to seize the first chance, take the initiative to seek changes, and cultivate more international outstanding medical talents for the motherland is a required question with known answer.

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